Kamis, 26 Januari 2017


BASIC RULES OF INTERIOR DESIGN IDEAS - Not only as a protector of outside influences such as wind, rain and dirt, the house is the main social facility in a household. Then what needs to be applied so that all family members will be more comfortable to interact and have activity in it? ... ok in blog Decorating Ideas For Living Room we will discuss many nice house design for your family and all aspect that will make you comfortable to occupy it, now we Discuss first about BASIC RULES OF INTERIOR DESIGN IDEAS

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Decorating Ideas For Living Room /2017/01/basic-rules-of-interior-design-ideas.html" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">Basic rules of interior designDecorating Ideas For Living Room /2017/01/basic-rules-of-interior-design-ideas.html">Basic rules of interior design for some people are not important. But in fact, without them, the Decorating Ideas For Living Room /">interior designer will get lost in some directions. So, what makes a house looks beautiful? Is it because the expensive furniture? Or the well-planned decorated ideas and implementations?

You can say all of them play big roles in making a beautiful house. However, a house is for everyone, rich or not. So, let’s say that the basic rules of interior design must be well-adapted to all social classes.

The Tips

- Make odd number decoration

If you’re not familiar with the rule in photography where it says that odd numbers will create visual interest and harmony, you may try this for decorating your house. Place furniture in the odd numbers. Usually the easiest to do is by trying the rule of thirds. You can have different things or motives there. The most important is the sense of placing the furniture or decoration. It must have middle of 2 sides.

- Make one focal point

In easy way, you can thing one area or room in your house that will be the center of the attention. Whenever you or other people get in to your house, they must drool on one place and say that it is awesome. Usually the focal point room is the Decorating Ideas For Living Room /2016/09/best-interior-design-for-living-room.html">living room area. You can fill the room with a colorful them or even monochrome is just okay.

Decorating Ideas For Living Room /2017/01/basic-rules-of-interior-design-ideas.html">Basic rules of interior design

- Follow right measurement

You must have thought about where to place all of your furniture. And you must want to add more and more. One thing for your consideration is that you have to know basic measurement rules. There are many suggested instructions you must know but simply do the normal sight view to place anything in your house. Do the center rules, enough space and along with your eyes sight measurement. Check on the internet for details.

- Change the minus to be plus

In every house, it usually has negative space. It is an unknown room where the owners still think over it. Mostly the negative space is best for storage or shelf partition. Or if you don’t think want to add more effort to decorate the space, just spread out your furniture to the area.

- Your lighting needs real job description

Actually there are three kinds of lamps’ functions such as:
- Accent lamp: for highlighting particular object (shooting a painting)
- Task lamp: for helping doing a task (reading)
- Ambient lamp: for general lighting this is usually put on the ceiling or overhead.

Knowing the basic rules of interior design will make your house goes elegant beyond beautiful.

Thank you for reading the article about BASIC RULES OF INTERIOR DESIGN IDEAS hopefully the information we can convey to you benefit, if you wish to bookmark or share link https://gettingthelastword.blogspot.com/2017/01/basic-rules-of-interior-design-ideas.html to be more useful for others who are looking for a comfortable home design for they.

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